
October's Boy: Will

As featured on EVB's boy of the week, this heterosexual hombre isn't just a bilingual beauty, he is also one of the most down to earth boy's I've had the pleasure of undressing. As summer closes, I thought it fitting to capture his essence with a 70's inspired series I call, "LOVE".

Here are a few from of the yet to be released series. For information on how to acquire my limited edition pieces, please contact my gallery: Envoy, NYC.


LYNN and HORST said...

this vintage feel is amazing
sport shorts are always a win

Anonymous said...

Great vintage treatment. It really looks like it could have been shot 30 years ago. I have to admit though, my eyes were particularly drawn to that juicy third leg of his.

Jose Pedras said...

loved it! great choice for a model and of course, great work

..... said...

wow he looks really cute

underneath said...

I love the seventies feel about this series - and he looks so natural nude. Looking forward to see more!

Ragemanchoo said...

Hot photos. But heterosexual? Honey, denial ain't a river in egypt.

Anonymous said...

hey, he is not an angel?!
so he have a intempory charm with the face, hairs and eyes, i like this style!

Anonymous said...

Oh man....... He is cute! I love the 70's look, I am a child of the 70's.
